Lisa Trombetta Stephenson- 14 Closed Transactions Within 12 Months (Includes During Covid)

Listing & Buyer Under Contract In Just 30 Days Of Joining The Program With Multiple Appointments Being Set & 100+ Buyer & Seller Opportunities In The Pipeline.


State 1:Paying thousands monthly to BoldLeads while being trapped in a 6 month long contract

State 2: 262 leads in 30 days. 22 appointments scheduled. 1 listing & buyer under contract in 30 days. 5 additional transactions in the next 90 days. 14 confirmed transactions in 1 year.

Time Frame: Listing & Buyer within 30 days, Consistent Pipeline Building & Nurturing With Results To Come

Lisa & her partner Kandas were like many other agents before coming on board to our programs. They were highly skeptical, unsure if it was going to work and they weren't the ones to blame. The real estate industry is filled with people charging exorbitant amounts of money for marketing systems which can be set up a single agent in less than 60 minutes. It's the same campaigns that we helped Kandas and Lisa set up which led to these results.

Julian Jackson - Lead Under Contract in 7 Days

Julian came into the program and was one of the inaugural participants. 7 days later, Julian and the team had several leads that they were speaking to and another one under contract. The best part is... This was all organic lead generation with $0 spent on paid digital marketing.


State 1: Skeptical about our results after being burned numerous times by lead generation companies

State 2: 146 leads and 16 appointments in 30 days. Lead under contract in 7 days.


"Literally within a week's time I found out that it was an incorrect assumption. There are some campaigns that I haven't even tried before that are actually free. Literally, I had given it over to one of my agents to just try it and within a week, they were under contract with a home. It looks like there's two or 3 more people that she's going out to show homes to as well. So in two weeks not only have I added those leads to her campaign but I've also started to let other people on my team do it as well. We picked up probably 50 leads in 5 days all without having to pay in any form and all with using the CRM and the follow up campaign. Honestly with my level of expertise in this industry, I was very shocked to see these guys offered something that I didn't already have and they did just that."

Andrew Fleming- 5 Closed Transactions in 120 Days


State 1: Ran bus stop ads & flyers. Knew about the power of social media but never took the leap of faith.

State 2: 8 confirmed closed transactions. Multiple other transactions that are not yet confirmed by our team.

Andrew came to us when he was spending thousands of dollars on flyers and fancy bus stop ads. Despite being highly skeptical about our claims, he took the leap of faith and allowed us to set up his first Facebook ad campaign which yielded a higher ROI compared to any other form marketing he had done in the past. 4 transactions have been confirmed by our team and we are still in contact with Andrew's assistant to get the latest updates on any additional closings. Andrew said, "This is the best system I've ever used" after having a conversation with our CEO.

Jorge Borges - $40,000 in GCI with $0 Spent on Advertising in 120 Days

Jorge's $0 into our proven marketing system produced $40,000 in GCI for his business with dozen's of motivated people in the pipeline ready to buy and/ sell in the coming months.


State 1: Wasted hundreds of dollars boosting posts on Facebook hoping for a lead to reach out

State 2: Listing under contract in 45 days. $40,000 GCI in 120 days.

Jorge Borge is a licensed real estate agent servicing the Florida market. After working with so many real estate lead generations companies, Jorge noticed something. Every company promised a positive ROI, however he didn't get a return on his ROI whatsoever. Although Jorge was skeptical to work with us at first, he took a leap of faith and hasn't regretted his decision ever since. He is on track to do 6 figures this year.

Kuldeep Gill- 18 Closed Transactions In 12 Months

Our team confirmed 18 transactions that came directly from us in the past 12 months.


State 1: Working in a highly competitive market. Used online leads in the past with several companies which never worked.

State 2: 1 listings and 2 buyer transactions within 45 days. New listing coming in several days from our FB campaigns. 8 total confirmed transactions and 4 under contract.

‍Kuldeep came to us in a highly competitive market after using many lead sources which never worked for him. He was paying tons of dollars to lead companies which always made bold promises but never delivered. Upon joining our program, Kuldeep has been self managing his own campaigns and adding over 300+ opportunities into his pipeline of which he has converted many into transactions. He is very close to achieving a second listing using our system.

Balwinder Chouhan- Closed 8 Transactions in 180 Days


State 1: Balwinder had resorted to door knocking and cold calling after failed attempts with high promising lead companies which never converted.

State 2: Balwinder now has several clients and consistent appointments she generates weekly from her FB ads system which she manages all by herself. Closed 1 buyer transaction in 90 days. 7 additional buyer transactions.

Balwinder is an agent working in a very saturated market in Brampton, Ontario. She came to us with a empty database. Within 14 days, she had generated 67 leads and 3 appointments. She's absolutely crushing it in the Brampton market where there are numerous agents running Facebook ads and online advertising. Real estate is a game of relationships and she has built 3 long lasting relationships with 3 clients within 14 days of joining the program. She has gained trust which otherwise would have not been there without Accelerated Agent Leads.